:: The Vikings of Bjornstad ::
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Aldersly 95th Anniversary Celebration

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Setup: 1:00 PM
Event Time: 2:00 PM until 5:00 PM

Aldersly Retirement Community

326 Mission Avenue
San Rafael, CA

Contact Telephone:

We've been invited to Aldersly’s 95th Anniversary Celebration.  In the past, their annual festival was on one day. This year, they're spreading it out throughout the month. As a result, this year we'll be inside, in a building named Hendrix Hall, and won't need to set up our canvas or tent. We'll provide a PowerPoint presentation, Digging the Vikings - An Archaeological Perspective and set up tables for our displays. 

Parking will be a challenge in the narrow streets around the hilly neighborhood. You can use either of the visitor parking lots or you can head West from the community center on Mission Street, turn right on Grand Avenue and right again on Belle Avenue. There is a double wooden gate that leads down to the building complex. Parking is no easier on this back side of the property, though.

The green arrows above show Hendrix Hall, where we'll set up this year, and the lawn area where we've set up in the past.  Below is the pleasant but deceptive campus map that completely disguises the relative elevations of the various buildings.

Ref: 3UhECCL 
  ©   For information contact Jack Garrett at info@vikingsofbjornstad.com