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Old Norse Pronunciation
Need help pronouncing Old Norse words? The following table may help. This is adapted from information in the video by Dr. Jackson Crawford. It is highly recommended if you want to hear these sounds. 

Old Norse Pronunciation Guide
Important Note: In ALL Old Norse words, the accent is on the first syllable.
Old Norse Short Vowel Sound in English Sample Old Norse Word English Translation
a got dagr day
e pet ek and
i heat fiskr fish
o wrote stormr storm
u root fundr battle
Old Norse Long Vowel Sound in English Sample Old Norse Word English Translation
á father (but held longer) lágr small, low
é said vér sea
í heed íss ice
ó rode Þórr (Thor)
Óðinn (Odin)
ú rude fúss eager
Old Norse Alternate Vowel Sound in English Sample Old Norse Word English Translation
y dude, tune yfir (above)
ýr (yew tree)
æ had, mad áræði courage
ǫ law (drawn out) dǫgun daybreak
ø, ö bird (as spoken by Arnold Schwarzenegger) døkkr dark
au house hauss house
ei rain steinn stone
ey similar to 'gluey' éy island
Old Norse Consonant Sound in English Sample Old Norse Word English Translation
f usually sounded as an English 'v', except at the beginning of a word fra ('f' sound as in 'from')
yfir ('v' sound as in 'over')
Fáfnir, the dragon name (sounds like 'fahvnir')
g go (always a hard 'g') galti boar
hj Houston, hue hjálmr helmet
hv what hvat what
hl - Hliðskjálf The seat on which Odin sits
hr - hrafn raven
j yes yes
r Trilled with a tongue flutter. Extended if the 'r' is doubled to 'rr'. þór (accusative case), þórr (nominative or subjective case) Thor
s sit (always pronounced as 'sss', never as a 'z') íss ice
z 'ts' (pronounced as in German) hræzla fear
Þ, þ 'thorn' character as in 'thin', 'worth', 'breath' þáttr tale, short story
Ð, ð 'eth' or 'edth' character (as in 'then', 'breathe', 'worthy') leið road, path

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